New Moms
Embracing the Journey
I empower new moms to embrace the possibilities of motherhood – realizing there is no ‘right way’ to be a mom.
Whether you’re a first time or 5th time mom, motherhood brings out excitement, fears and challenges that stretch us all.
I’m here to support you with whatever motherhood throws as you.

Being a mom isn’t everything you thought it would be.
You Your breasts hurt, your hair is falling out and you are completely exhausted. You have felt every emotion-love, joy, worry, fear, frustration, but at exponential levels. You have lost your freedom and independence and don’t know who you are anymore.
Everyone seems to have advice but no one is actually helping.
How do you decide what to do? You are consumed with worrying about being the best mom! There is so much pressure. You are worried, stressed and afraid because you don’t feel you are giving 100%. You can’t be present in the moment and you are missing these days that everyone says go so quickly. How can you figure out something you’ve never been through before?
This is your rainbow baby and you feel broken-hearted.
You are angry and uncertain about how to handle this pregnancy. No one told you that losing a child before birth could be so devastating and lonely. Now you have a thriving baby but are still grieving and can’t enjoy the one you hold in your arms. No one seems to understand how much you miss this unborn child, how you crave a sense of peace and closure. Will you be the only one who remembers?
The baby is here, you are alone and exhausted.
Your husband is back to work. You can’t get out of the house because of the poop explosions, sleep schedule and volume of packing to get out for an hour. You are consumed with thoughts and stressors. You are obsessed with the baby’s safety, nap schedules and how to stop the mental load. When you finally DO make it out the door, the baby just cries the whole way, gets there hungry and by then you are too exhausted to step foot into Target. You resign yourself to staying home – but that only adds to the loneliness and isolation.
If it’s is not sheer exhaustion then its the anxiety.
You try to let someone else take over, but you just can’t. You’re longing for a quiet moment of rest – but then spend your quiet moments worrying about him. You’re worried that there is something wrong with your child and you’ll miss it. You are constantly worried about the nap/feeding schedule and can’t figure out why she cries all the time. You’re exhausted because she won’t sleep and then you can’t when she finally does.
You feel the need to justify all your decisions to friends and family.
Everyone feels obligated to share their opinions on co-sleeping, breastfeeding vs. bottles and even which foods you should give your baby. Maybe you should just wrap him in bubble wrap to keep him safe. How will you ever get through the next 18 years?

Hello, I’m Jamie. I provide online therapy to new moms.
… and it would be my privilege to work with you.
I support new moms in navigating the exhaustion, anxiety, and loneliness with tools that will allow them AND their baby to thrive.
You are not alone.
No mom is perfect. (That includes you, too) But if you take a moment to realize that you are not the only one who does not have it all together, you will give yourself a chance to be free. You can be released from the worry of the “what if’s” and being trapped by what you already know. You can begin to explore what works for you, your baby and your family.
Some Potential Benefits of Therapy with Me.
Discover Your Identity As a Mom
Freedom to Talk Honestly About the Struggles Without Judgement
Accepting the New Normal
Be Able to Make Confident Decisions
Know at Your Core You Are a Good Mom
Experience the Joys of a Rainbow Baby
Allow Yourself Permission to Struggle
Manage Your Anxiety
Becoming More Flexible and Less Anxious
Process Through the Grief of a Miscarriage, Termination or Loss
Find Tools to Manage the Postpartum Depression
You’ve got this!
I believe that our current culture tells us we don’t know what to do. It makes us believe we can’t do this “mom thing” without every high safety car seat, toy, book or baby app. It communicates that we are ill equipped to survive day to day. It creates fear and worry that translates into how you parent your child, what bed they sleep in, where the go to school and what TV shows they watch.
“…parents are led into thinking that their child’s future success in life is utterly contingent upon how well a parent oversees and manages his or her child’s every waking moment” ( Not What I Expected-Rita Eichenstin, PhD)
The mom’s who try, and who cry, are the ones who care.
You feel lonely, invisible and unimportant, but you have the most important job in the world. You have been given the gift of raising a child into a productive human being. You take on the burdens and pressures of parenting and are probably doing a GREAT job. But you minimize your role and undervalue yourself. Our most fragile moments lead to our greatest accomplishments.
Getting Started is Easy
Free 20 Min Consultation
Lets chat online or on the phone and I’ll let you know if I think therapy would be helpful for you.
Book An Appointment
Following your free consult we schedule your first tele-therapy appointment
1st Therapy Session!
Begin the Exciting Work of Bringing Peace to Your Home and Your Life
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Online Counseling?
Online counseling, also known as teletherapy, is coaching or counseling through a live online delivery of services. There are many names–including virtual therapy or distance counseling. You do the same work as traditional office therapy in the convenience of your home or workplace. Anyone can do it, even if you are not tech savy! All you need is a computer, tablet or smartphone.
Can you work with my unpredictable schedule?
I can definitely work with a flexible schedule. Through my online portal you can schedule your own appointments. I do like to try and set a regular appointment day or time if possible. It helps to establish a regular routine in your life and makes it easier to remember your appointment.
We have a LOT of bills…Do You Accept Insurance?
Yes, I am in network with various insurance companies. I understand that parents have a lot of expenses. I do my best to work with everyone. Therapy is an investment in yourself, but it can have lifelong value. You take the time to invest in your child, so it may be worth considering this type of investment in yourself. I have private pay packages as well as reduced fee options, though I do keep those on a limited basis.
How can I get my insurance to pay if you aren’t in my network?
If you have out of network benefits, I am happy to provide you with a properly coded bill (when appropriate) to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Please be sure to call your insurance to verify your benefits, and be certain to ask if they reimburse for video conferencing. I am happy to assist you and provide you further information or answer any questions you may have!
Contact Me
Ask a question or book an appointment below.
For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital